Bonjour à tous,
Thanks for joining me to find out what happened during Explore weeks four and five. Due to my technological issues and lack of daily journalling, some of the days lack detail but, trust me, this amazing adventure is wrapping up way too quickly and I've been trying to savor every moment. Enjoy!
July 21st:
I spent quite a while this evening finishing my homework... When I was done, I knocked on Paris's door. She didn't answer. Then, I headed downstairs only to find that no one was around. Suddenly, one of the monitrices came in the front door, saw me and started freaking out! It turns out I had worked for so long that I was late to the mandatory meeting! It really worried me to think I was going to get a feuille jaune and have to have a meeting with Madame White! Plus, I completely missed the announcement that our team had won the Rallye Photo!
July 22nd:
Today was my last poetry atélier. Class was really good!
During the evening, we had the Soirée Musicale, where students and staff alike came out to wow us with their musical talents.
Brenda sang a lovely Franglish rendition of a popular American song.
Rebekah sang three songs in French, some of which she translated herself!
There was also a hilarious boy band act,
and also an adorable duet by Tyler and Charlotte, with Sam on guitar.
My favorite act of the night, though, was Samuel and Olivier playing a song that they wrote for all of us. Everyone was near tears by the time they were done! It was so perfect..
The monitors really slam dunked this activity! I love those guys...
July 24th:
Erik and I set off, today, in search of delicious bubble tea.
We ended up at Zen Gardens vegetarian restaurant, which is right near Café Archibald.
Their tea, steamed buns and dumplings were all so amazingly tasty! I never knew vegetarian cuisine could be so satisfying. Yum!
July 25th:
Today, after my photography atélier, Jarrett, Erik and I walked across town to Tony's Pastries for some nummy treats. I picked up some crème brûlée for Jeff, and myself. Then, we headed down to the hilariously awesome "Soirée Comédie" Improv Show where students and monitors competed in a battle of wits and spontaneity in front of us, their captivated audience. Everyone did a great job!
July 26th:
I may or may not have missed my atélier today... Eh-hem... No big deal...
This evening, though, we met a few friends for a little get together! It was le fun! Unfortunately, my camera wasn't digging it and I got no good photos.
Oh, Saturday. How I adore you... I took full advantage of my freedom, today, and slept in late. Then, Paris and I worked on our project for the garderie on Monday.. Later, the gals and I had a hallway party on floor 10!
July 28th:
Today is the start of week five; our last week at U de M. The realization that this program is coming to an end has already hit everyone pretty hard, I feel.
For lunch, a group of us went to our beloved Café Archibald for a pre-goodbye celebration. As you can see, my favorite bromantic couple sat side by side at the head of the table. #mignons
Tonight, at the very last sunday meeting, we decided our graduation gala theme would be 007.
July 29th:
This morning, our class went to the U de M francophone preschool, or garderie, to do an activity with the kiddos. I swear, it was one one the most adorable experiences of my life! French is so much cuter on a tiny scale. On a side note, I ruined this entire picture by blinking!
Paris, Sofia, Tyler and I were paired up with the coccinelles, or lady bugs, whose ages ranged from 18 months to 3 years old: too young to really communicate. However, everything they could say was precious! Plus, they loved our animal coloring sheets, and the animals sounds that went with them.
Later, after our last atélier of the summer, Paris and I walked to the mall in Dieppe for some retail therapy and to meet a friend. We got a massive cookie frappuccino from Starbucks in the Chapters book store while we waited. I was quite the pleasant evening!
June 30th:
Today, levels 4 and 5 watched a movie in class to wind down for the final.
After, we headed to Pays de la Sagouine: a quaint old-timey Acadien village/interactive theater park on an teensy little island in the middle of Buctouche Harbor.
Voilà, the dream team!
There were tiny little boats floating in the harbor, as well, half filled with water, but hangin' in there!
There were other watercrafts, too.
After exploring the interactive sites, tasting Acadien food, buying some snacks and watching a bit of a play, we headed back across the bridge. Quite suddenly, though, Mother Nature gave us a bit of a shower!
Luckily, it cleared up in time for a quick trip to Les dunes de Buctouche.
We enjoyed the clarity while it lasted.... For about 20 minutes....

The sky opened up and let us have it. Everyone was drenched, backpacks, towels and all by the time we got under the awnings. It was a looooong, chilly bus ride home!
July 31st:
Today, we prepared for the gala, set up the decorations, and wished it wasn't so soon! I really can't believe it's almost over.
After getting dolled up Russian spy-style, and taking a preparatory shot of gin with the gals, we headed to our self-prepared party. Everything, and everyone, looked fantastic.
To begin, our MCs gave thank-you speeches to each staff member. Then, there was a myriad of wonderful student performances; among them, a trumpet duo,
A lovely acoustic, Franglish song,
A steamy tango drama,
A perfect salsa performance,
And and absolutely mind-blowing tap performance by Olivier. Hot Damn... The whole show just blew us all away.
To cool us down, we all received our peer-written certificates of merit.
Mine was for having marvelous hair and a good sense of style! Thanks Tara!
All too soon after, we received our official completion certificates from Madame White.
For the rest of the evening, we savored our time together.
Enjoyed the company of our friends;
And tried to capture as many memories as we could without crying!
I'll miss these spiffy lookin' guys!
And Erik, who is all graduated...
Honestly, I can't name a person I won't miss!
Thanks for the unforgettable summer, everybody!
August 1st:
Today, we cried and studied and packed; we hugged, exchanged addresses, and hugged some more. Everyone was in a somber, yet edgy mood as we completely moved out of our dorms and into our suitcases.
August 2nd:
Bright and early this morning, we had our final exam. After, Paris and I said a teary au revoir to Sébastien. When we returned to LaFrance, though, I nearly came undone when I heard the monitors speaking English! That was when I knew it was over...
We said our adieus to everyone. Then, we headed up to Pink Sushi for one last lunch together. When we came back, we said even more awful goodbyes! I was not prepared for this! After hours of cabs coming and going, shlepping our new-found friends to the airport, we were among the last stragglers to leave our 5-week home.
I am so thankful to have had the chance to participate in Moncton Explore 2013, to make lifelong connections, and grow so much in so little time. Thank you, readers, for following my summer adventure. I hope you enjoyed the ride.
Until next time!,
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