Sunday, February 2, 2014

Pretty Little Details: Aix-en-Provence 2

Time is precious here in France, as every else. So, in lieu of typing 1000 words, I'll let my photos speak for me. Enjoy!
My first French theater experience: Les Garçons et Guillaume à Table - HIGHLY Recommended
Dégustation d'absinthe - Liquoristerie de Provence
Homemade chai, and macarons from my host mommy!
Searching for Scarves
Teenage Mutant Ninja Tapestry - Foundation Vasarely
Window art
I have a weakness for lemon tarts, or any dessert for that matter... What?
Thank you, Melina, for teaching me how to fishtail braid!

Don't forget to smile!
My heart breaks every time I buy sushi in Euros!
This guy bit my finger. No, really. I was quite offended.
My kind of wedding cake!
Only the best for French little ones
I hope you enjoyed these shots! If so, let me know in the comments.

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