Monday, February 10, 2014

Pretty Little Details: Arles, France

In retrospect, Arles has been one of the most culture-rich French cities I have visited. It host everything from Van Gogh's famous works, to Gallo-Roman ruins, to fantastic graffiti. Here are some of my favorite shots from my short little trip:

Lovely stencil work found after misinterpreting the scale of our map 
Carousels are obviously big in Europe
Lovely inset road markers - This was for Van Gogh, that way for ruins!
Symmetry in l'Espace Van-Gogh
Market noms
Calissons d'Aix far from home
I just can't help myself with the cheese samples... Goat and Sheep are my faves!
Lovely Tomb
Another gift left at the Cemetière Central d'Arles
Mixed styles
Perspective on the Rhone
Steep steps on the Rhone River
Delicately crafted santons in the Christmas crèche of the 17th-century Eglise Saint-Anne, complete with fire in the hearth and a running water mill.
A small bit of marine graffiti carved into the city hall
I hope these little details interested you as much as they did me.

Thanks for browsing!

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