Friday, November 8, 2013

WASA Crêpe Night

Bonjour tout le monde,

Last night, Western's Ambassadors for Study Abroad (WASA) gathered at the old International House for a DIY Crêpe Potluck!

Everyone who attended brought ingredients to share with the group such as jam, honey, Nutella, powdered sugar and strawberries.

 I, As mentioned here, was in charge of the copious amounts of crêpe batter...

We took turns making crêpes and practicing our wrist swirling, which is WAY more nerve-wracking than it sounds! 

However, I was very excited to see everyone master the technique and have fun doing it!

We pumped out dozens of thin and tasty crêpes; enough to share with our members, all of the residents of the international house, AND take home leftovers. A triple batch of batter *may* have been overkill...

Don't they look sweet?

It's safe to say that the event was a success. Now we'll have to have food at all of our WASA meetings!

Thanks for reading!

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