Tuesday, December 3, 2013

BONUS POST: How to Save Money at Bars!

Though not really RAFSA-quality, how to save money at bars is totally a relevant topic for study abroad students and college students in general.

So, if you are going to go out for drinks anywhere in the world, don't let your tab add up out of control! Follow these simple steps for a more budget-friendly bar experience:

  1. Limit your cash stash by only bringing what money you want to spend - this is where a lot of people go wrong. If you only feel like you have $20 left for fun money, only bring that $20.; never borrow from other areas of your budget. Then, to be on the safe side, put a few of those dollars in your shoe or somewhere separate to use for a cab if you need one.
  2. Eat beforehand for three reasons: 1. you'll have less room for pricy drinks, 2. drinking on an empty stomach can upset your stomach or make you overly tipsy, 3. you'll avoid the money trap that is bar cuisine. If you really get the munchies, share an appetizer among friends.
  3. Don't buy top shelf: Instead, stick to "well" liquors. There is no room for balling out on a budget. Plus, as I found out in Canada, having an off-brand shot with your friends can be just as entertaining.
  4. Take advantage of specials, or go during happy hour. Don't forget to make sure that the drink specials are actually cheaper than well drinks. 
  5. Pay as you go instead of running a tab. This simple technique will keep you from wracking up unforeseen debt and help you keep track of what you've had to drink. Plus, your debit card will stay nice and safe in your wallet.
  6. Avoid bars with a cover charge, or plan to arrive before cover is enforced. If you must visit pay-to-enter clubs, try to stay at one all night instead of barhopping your cash away.
  7. Don't buy drinks for other people! For that matter, don't accept free drinks either. This vicious cycle of owing and being owed is expensive and potentially risky. If you must buy a round, make it a draft pitcher instead of costly shots.
  8. Space out your drinks with glasses of water. This will help you stay aware of your surroundings, save money and avoid a dehydration-caused hangover the next morning. Just make sure that the water in your area is potable first.
  9. Volunteer to be DD. The absolute best way to save money at bars is to not drink at all. Volunteering to be the designated driver, or walker, or babysitting is an excellent way not to feel pressured to imbibe. Not to mention, your friends will appreciate your willingness to keep tabs on them and make sure they get home safe.
I hope you find these tips useful wherever your adventures might take you. Don't forget to share your own tips in the comments, Thanks for reading!

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