Friday, December 13, 2013

Flight Update + End of Semester Thoughts

Salut à tous,

I am finally done with finals and graduate school interviews, and my winter break has begun! Unbelievably, my undergraduate studies at WIU are all over - wow! I can't believe how far I've come. 

Not to be cliché, but it seems like just yesterday that I arrived at Western as an undeclared major with no real sense as to what I wanted to do with my life. Now, I'm on my way to France, and hopefully to grad school thereafter, all thanks to my WIU education and the dedicated faculty who have supported me along the way; I really can't thank them enough.

To top it all off, I finally purchased my plane ticket to Paris using the $1000 StudentUniverse travel voucher that was provided to me by CEA as an early application incentive.

My out of pocket cost was $196.24 - how's that for a deal!? 

From Paris, I will take the train to Marseille where I will be picked up by CEA staff and taken to my homestay location in Aix. Yay! Expect a more detailed post on my homestay information to come...

For the next 18 days, I just want to relax and plan for a stress-free trip; maybe I'll sleep in some, too. But don't worry, I'll keep you in the loop!

Thanks for reading,


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