Friday, June 28, 2013

Fredericton: Day Three

Hey everyone!

I hope your week has shaped up as well as mine has! Here's a rundown of our 3rd day in Freddie:

The weather was kind of cruddy today, so we mostly stayed in. However, before breakfast, we ran down to The Happy Baker to see about picking up some goodies. Nothing really struck us, except a pack of ciabatta bread for just $1! What a deal!

Afterwards, we headed home and made some really tasty veggie and cheese omelets as a makeshift family. Jeramy, of course, made us deliciously creamy lattés.


Next, Paris and I got started on a batch of French Macarons. She had never made them before, and it was super fun to work together to successfully create such a complex and tasty dessert, even if we I did get almond flour in her keyboard!

In honor of the upcoming Canada Day holiday, we filled them with fresh and tangy homemade strawberry cream and decorated them with feuille d'érable sprinkles that we picked up at Bulk Barn for $0.08!!! I love that store...

For lunch, Jeramy and I rocked out some excellent ciabatta chicken sandwiches with honey mustard, Swiss cheese, avocado, tomato and lettuce. I'm really going to miss sharing a kitchen with him!

After some relaxing, a friend of Jer's made a pot of mussels for dinner. It was my first time having them, and I'm happy to say that they were one of the simplest and most tasty foods I have ever tried. 

I'm almost scared to move into the dorms and have nothing but a microwave to cook with!

All in all it was a great day, filled with food and friends. I'll really miss Fredericton when we go!

Ta ta for now...

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