Friday, June 21, 2013

Ready for Take Off

Hi everyone!

My "personal item" carry on is finally stuffed packed for Canada.

Let's take a look inside...

There's my tech stuff:

Laptop, phone, camera, chargers, extra batteries, SD card reader, thumbdrive

My girly stuff:

Dry/solid toiletries, liquids, make up case, hair accessories, allergy pills, mini emergency kit

School stuff:

Notebook, writing utensils, conjugation book

Personal stuff: 

Day planner, shoulder bag, passport and itinerary holder, sunnies, wallet

Miscellaneous stuff:

Mini umbrella, magazines, granola bars, reusable water bottle

And an extra bag for the trip back:

Easy Breezy Tote

My Osprey FlapJill Pack fits it all. I LOVE IT!

I am so ready to go!

See ya!

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