Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Fredericton: Day Two

Salut à tous! 

This has been day two here Fredericton. Here's how it went:

First, our awesome host Jeramy made us vanilla cappuccinos and peach cornmeal pancakes. 

It was a great start to our morning, er, afternoon.


Plus, we got to use homemade maple syrup that was made with trees grown on Jeramy's family's property! It's much better tasting, and runnier, than prepackaged syrup.

Then, we headed down to the St. Johns River, which we completely walked parallel to and couldn't find  yesterday. Whoops...

However, it was pretty cold and yucky out.

...and windy too!

But the sights were totally worth the weather.


Jeramy is actually a photographer. Hopefully I can get some of his shots from today.

Say cheese, Paris!

Myeah, I'm pale...

When we got home we barbecued again. 

The guys made some monster burgers!

For the rest of the evening I just plan on writing. I've loved this trip so far!

Have a great night!

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