Sunday, June 16, 2013

Thanks Dad :D

Bonjour tout le monde,

Today I'd like to take some time to thank my Dad, the Haggle-Master, the supreme finder of good deals.

Dad and me, 1992
He has always known where to pick up anything we need at less than retail, and is part of the reason I started this blog - to prove I've got the deal making mojo myself...

Anyway, he just surprised me with a Nikon Coolpix L24 camera with a 16GB SD card that he found at a pawn shop!

Retail Price: $114.99, Dad's Price: $35
It has taken wonderful pictures so far, and will be great to take to Canada. I can't wait to use it more!

This just goes to show that something doesn't have to be brand-spankin-new or right out of the package to be useful. Everyone should consider purchasing second-hand, in my opinion. Even without a tight budget it just makes sense.

Have you ever scored big at a pawn shop or garage sale? Let's discuss in the comments...

Merci d'avoir lu!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you liked it honey. Just to clarify- that's a $114.99 Retail Price WITHOUT the 16GB SD card. (Just sayin)


What do you think?