Saturday, June 29, 2013

Fredericton: Day Five

Salut mes amis,

Today was bittersweet, as it was our last morning in Fredericton with our friends. They have made such an impression on us in quite short period of time, but I know we'll get to see them again!

Bright an early, we met the guys for breakfast at The Coffee Mill. Though some were too hung over to eat, it was still great to sit and relax together one last time...

Next, we headed over to the Farmer's Market, where we met Gillian.

I was really impressed with the variety of goods available!

Plus, it was refreshing to feel the energy of an entire population gathered in one place. Everyone seemed wide awake, and glad to be surrounded by their friends and family.

Not to mention, everything smelled so amazing!

After some peer pressure from the guys, Paris and I split a spicy chicken samosa. Yum!

Gill and I also split some homemade fudge!

When we got home, it was time to see Ryan off. Then shortly after, we were driven to the airport to catch our cab to Moncton. Unfortunately, all we got was one cruddy pic with Gillian before we left! Hopefully, though, we'll be back before we head home to the states.

Thank you Gillian and Jeramy for being such amazing hosts, and for letting us into your lives! This leg of the trip was greater than I could have ever hoped! XOXOXO

Until next time,

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