Saturday, January 11, 2014

Field Trip Folly Episode 1: Le Grand Site Sainte-Victoire


Yesterday, the CEA gang piled into a mini-bus and headed to Cèzanne's beloved Mont Ste. Victoire for a bit of hiking and sightseeing. The smell of wild provincial herbs, the crisp mountain breeze, and the company of friends made for a very agreeable afternoon.

Barely visible in the distance, la Croix de Provence. 
Le Lac Bimont - My favorite area of the site, and the source of Aix's water

The beauty of it all what almost too much to take in

Not so quaint: because of the site's placement on a fault line, this dam is highly susceptible to breakage in case of an earthquake. Therefore, the surrounding lowlands, including Aix are at constant risk of flash flooding!

Pic des Mouches - 3,317 ft above sea level
This red-earth layer is notorious for hiding precious fossilized dinosaur eggs that iconize the region
I'm so glad to be here!

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