Friday, January 10, 2014

Pretty Little Details: Aix-en-Provence

Now that I have survived the orientation process, met all kinds of students, and (kind of) gained my bearings in Aix, I can finally take pictures without feeling like an over-zealous tourist and/or getting turned around (for the most part!)

Here are some of the lovely things I've seen thus far:

View from our living room balcony
Poppies and tulips - two of my favorites!
Impromptu gâteau de soirée with the girlies - Béchard, Cours Mirabeau
Une croissant, s'il vous plaît
Cours Mirabeau contrast
Star confetti - Cathédrale Saint-Saveur
La Crèche - Cathédrale Saint-Saveur
Place de Quatre Dauphins
Spice Vendor
Provincial olives at the market 
Occadeco antique store
Café crème - CEA happy hour
Surprise carousel
Seems familiar...
I'm really lichen this place
I hope you enjoyed this visual spread. If so, let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading!

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