Sunday, January 5, 2014

L'amour Pour Toujours: Pont des Arts

Salut à tous,

Today, I want to share something personal: I added a "cadenas de l'amour" to the Paris's Pont des Arts a.k.a. Pont des Amoureux for Matt and me.

The atmosphere of the the bridge, covered in the promises of couples from around the world, is indescribable. I would have LOVED to take more time to read some more of the other locks. Either way, commemorating my relationship with Matt in such a positive place was one of my very favorite parts of this trip. The only thing that could have made it better is if he had been there with me....

As far as placement, I chose to attach our cadenas to a "well-established", yet not overcrowded section of the bridge. If we ever make it back to Paris together, I know exactly where to find it: Nuzzled near a corner next to some rustier locks, and a 50th anniversary one. 

The best part of the ritual, if you want to call it that, is jetting the keys into the Seine river. A French couple helped explain to me the significance and permanence of it all. Not needing the keys anymore is a heart-swelling feeling! On a different note, I would really enjoy scuba diving down there to see how many far the keys wash down stream.

If you ever have the chance to visit Pont des Arts, enjoy the ambiance, think about the people that mean the most to you in life, and look out for my lock! 

Thanks for reading!

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