Monday, January 6, 2014

Goodbye Paris, Hello Unknown

Bonjour tout le monde,

Last night was my last in Paris for the time being. It has been a blast, but it's time to move on to Aix for the impending semester of a lifetime! Here's a brief recap of our last adventures:

This morning, Ashlynn and I descended the spiral staircase of Thibaut's apartment, luggage in tow, and saw Thibaut off to work. We exchanged bises and American hugs, and went our separate ways.

Next stop, a nearby café to kill time and to wait for Samy to arrive. I could really get used to this idea of leisurely munching, people watching and chatting over coffee!

Samy helped us navigate the métro to the train station before noon.  Swimming up-stream against throngs of Parisians and tourists; up, down, and around stairs; stop after stop, I suddenly felt the real-world implications of packing a rolling bag and a duffle. Do I need 6 pairs of shoes?

After finally arriving, and going to collect my tickets, I had my first Euro-crisis: I MISSED MY TRAIN! SOME-FREAKIN-HOW, I misread my TVG confirmation email and was several hours late. JUST HOW?! We literally sat for hours in the warm café to avoid being too early. I still can't believe it, but I had to buy a completely new ticket for €99. -On the plus side, I got to book the same trains as Ash and was able to get ahold of our program director with Samy's cell phone to let her know my status.-

Coffee was needed to calm my nerves. Upon sensing my distress, one of the workers/good samaritan who was servicing the vending machines opened one up and made me a latté from the inside! What a dumpling!

It is just what I needed to remember not to let a minor incident spoil what has been a fantastic adventure, in an overall fortunate and happy life. My glass is hall full - just look at that foam!

But, honestly, I am very fortunate. This entire week was made possible incredible by people like Samy who seek to share their positive lives. Reconnecting is Paris is definitely on the agenda for later in the semester!

Soon we were zooming across France, just hours from our knew homes. Aix-en-Provence, mystery, here I come!

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